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Jump start your wellness journey — get coached in GYM 033

It takes less than 60 minutes to review your health and fitness in 赌钱app可以微信提现’s CavFit Lab. This new state-of-the-art lab has your health in mind.

Stop by and take simple tests to assess your cardiovascular fitness, body composition, range of motion and health variables. Our team of health and fitness professionals will give you general exercise recommendations and help set reasonable goals. Follow-up appointments are available to assess your progress and update your fitness plan.  We look forward to partnering with you on your wellness journey!

Registering for your assessment is simple:

  1. Enroll in Virtual Student Wellness through Canvas
  2. Go to CavFit Lab Module and click on Registration Process to complete the pre-assessment

Sign up today — assessments are in high demand. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance.

Assessments include:

  • Body composition testing
  • Resting metabolic rate
  • Resting heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Aerobic fitness testing
  • Flexibility and range of motion testing

*The CavFit program is free to all 赌钱app可以微信提现 students courtesy of an endowment provided by Nell Mitchell.

Additional CavFit Lab Services

Using a highly accurate InBody 270 body composition analyzer, we will measure your weight, dry lean mass, lean body mass, skeletal muscle mass, total body water, body mass index, percent body fat, basal metabolic rate, body segmented mass, and skeletal muscle mass history. Time required: 5-10 minutes 

How to prepare:

For the most accurate results follow these preparation guidelines:

  • Do not eat for 3-4 hours before testing
  • Do not exercise for 6-12 hours before testing
  • Wear footwear and socks that are easily removed
  • Do not drink caffeine on the test day and be well hydrated
  • Do not shower or use a sauna immediately before the test
  • Avoid putting lotion on hands and feet before testing
  • Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic devices should not use the InBody
  • For women, avoid testing if you are pregnant or menstruating

This maximal exercise test determines your rate of oxygen consumption, training heart rate zones, and ventilatory threshold. VO2 Max is a gold standard for individuals who truly desire specific heart rate training information to improve health, wellness, and performance. Time required: 45-60 minutes

How to prepare:

Anaerobic Threshold/ VO2 MAX Pre-Test Checklist

  • No unaccustomed exercise the day before the test — 36 hours leading up to testing training sessions should be light recovery workouts.
  • Eat a normal diet for two days leading up to the test much like preparing for a race. Two meals prior to the test should be high in carbohydrates (see breakfast guide prior to a morning test).
  • Consume a lot of fluids 12 hours prior to testing.
  • Eat less food on the day of the test:
    • Morning testing:  Light snack 1-1.5 hours before the test is acceptable
    • Afternoon test  (2-4 p.m.)
      • Normal breakfast and mid-morning snack
      • Lunch 3 hours prior to test (“Pre-event” meal)
  • Avoid the following from midnight prior to the test:
    • Smoking
    • Caffeine
    • Alcohol
    • Supplements that can affect aerobic performance (eg:  Bicarbonate, cold medication, etc)
  • Be free from respiratory illness two weeks before testing. Other acute illness will be accessed by the testing center on a case-by-case basis.
  • Wear your training shoes.
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